Terry Grant
Terry lives just outside Portland, Oregon, with her husband, Ray. She has been sewing, drawing and painting since she was a child. She earned a degree in art and concentrated her energy on painting and printmaking. It wasn't until she saw a group of beautiful quilts that it occurred to her that her love of art and of textiles and sewing could be combined. She has never looked back!

Terry is mostly retired from her career in Graphic Design and spends most of her days enjoying her family, working in her studio, or writing. She has had several articles published in quilting magazines and is an avid blogger. Her work has been exhibited nationally and internationally and has appeared in a number of books. She has been an active member of a variety of online quilting communities since the early '90s, which she feels has opened up a world of possibilities, friendships and opportunities. She is one of the authors of Twelve by Twelve: The International Art Quilt Challenge. You can read her blog and see her work at: www.andsewitgoes.blogspot.com .